
Family Law

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Family Law

Family law is some of the most complex because of the emotional toll that is often involved. Having a trusted and experienced attorney by your side through any legal matter can make a big difference in the outcome of any legal matter. The Law Office of Vanessa D. Torres, P.A. provides comprehensive legal services across most areas of family law, including:

  • Paternity matters
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Guardianship
  • Stepparent adoption
  • Surrogacy
  • Sperm and egg donor representation
  • Traditional adoption

When you meet with Attorney Torres, you will get one-on-one support from an attorney that cares about your best outcome. Learn more about the wide range of legal services available to you, including decisions about child support and custody, changes to existing agreements, and your legal rights in all other areas. Whether you are considering adoption or you are ready to get legal support, Attorney Torres will work aggressively to meet your individual needs.

The first step is to set up a consultation to discuss your needs and situation. Serving all of Coral Gables, Florida, and the surrounding areas of Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Monroe, you can count on Attorney Torres to be there to support you through these difficult situations.

Miami Family Attorney

Family law cases have always been one of the hardest legal battles a person may face.

experienced florida family attorneys

Whether divorce, child support, asset division, or domestic violence, these cases can be long and emotionally draining since the opposing party is a family member or someone who used to be part of the family. It also changes the family dynamic, especially if children are involved.

Fortunately, you can resolve these cases with a favorable arrangement for all parties if you work with a trustworthy legal team. The law Offices of Vanessa D Torres  is always ready to provide the legal support you need to deal with family law cases and protect your interests and rights. You will be assigned to one of our experienced Miami family law attorneys who has the legal expertise for making key legal decisions that will lead you to the best results for your case.

Experienced Family Attorneys

Working with our experienced and dedicated Miami Divorce Attorneys can help make the family law case easier to understand.

ft lauderdale family attorneyWhen we handle your case, we will give our earnest effort to support you during this tough ordeal and fight fiercely for the best outcomes so you can plan for your future with peace of mind after the case:

  • Divorce

Divorce can be a messy legal battle, so many couples avoid it even if their marriage is already failing and affecting their family. It’s important to work with an experienced legal expert to build your case and fight for your rights as the divorce proceedings take place, from sorting out asset division to custody, and financial support. We can also give you an opportunity to plan your life ahead of the divorce as we do our best to fight for the resolution you want for your case.

  • Property and Asset Division

Marital properties and assets will be distributed equally to both parties during the divorce. However, there will be cases where certain assets and properties have more value to you or your spouse. Some assets and properties may even be used as a bargaining chip so you can get a better arrangement. Our Miami family law attorneys can help you assess the assets and properties in the divorce case, show you which ones you should fight for, and which can be used as a bargaining chip.

  • Child Custody

Aside from property and asset division, child custody is one of the hardest parts to resolve in a divorce. But, with the help of our family lawyers at Miami Divorce Attorneys, we can help you protect your parental rights to your child regardless of who gets main custody. We can help you create parenting plans, time-sharing agreements, and decision-making arrangements so you can still be an active part of your child’s life. Our legal team will also show the court and the other party that you are dedicated to helping your children grow and being active in their lives.

  • Child Support

As parents, you are responsible for your child’s needs so they can grow as well-rounded individuals. Courts consider each parent’s income to determine who will pay for regular child support payments regardless of who has custody of the child. We can assist with enforcing child support orders or modifying the amount should the child require additional assistance.

  • Spousal Support

fort lauderdale family lawIn divorce cases, the court may order one party to pay alimony or spousal support. The court will consider the current income capacity of each party and the conditions they have after the divorce. Spousal support can be either permanent or temporary, depending on the grounds for the case. We can help you see if you are eligible for spousal support or argue the amount if you are tasked to pay for it.

  • Father’s Rights

Unmarried fathers find it hard to build a relationship with their children because, by law, they do not have legal rights to them compared to their mothers. However, the law does have provisions that will allow you to fight for your rights and be recognized as the father of your minor children. Our family law attorneys can help you establish paternity and fight for equal time with your children. We can also help you confirm paternity if there is a reason for you to doubt your child’s paternity.

  • Domestic Violence

Is a family or household member abusing you or your family members? Don’t hesitate to ring up our family law firm to get these abusers punished for their actions. If these abusers are left alone for too long, severe consequences may occur. Victims will be more reluctant to report their situation to the authorities. With our domestic violence attorneys on the case, we can help you get away from your abusers, get a protective order in place, and create a strong case that will deliver justice to these abusers. Our team will also help you get the right arrangements in terms of child custody, child support, and divorce.

Talk to Our Legal Experts Today

Divorce is not an easy choice, but if taking this step would benefit you, your spouse, and your family, there is a way to make it bearable.

Our Legal team can provide the legal support that will guide you through the proceedings and help you get the best arrangement for your future. You can also count on us to fight for your rights to be involved with your children, get the right assets to reestablish your life after the divorce, and build a better future.

Call The Law Offices of Vanessa D.Torres at 786-801-0921 for your Consultation 


Our Working Process

1. Planning The Case

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2. Evaluate Situation

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3. File The Case To The Court

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Questions You May Wonder?

When Should I See a Lawyer?

People often turn to lawyers as a last resort after the contract has been signed, a spouse has walked out, or a creditor is threatening. But just like regular medical checkups, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” when it comes to legal matters.

Good legal advice can not only save you money in the long run, but also save you from unpleasant difficulties later.

Situations in which you should consider consulting a lawyer include:

  • Before buying or selling real estate.
  • Before signing a contract with major financial provisions.
  • Before making a will or planning your estate.
  • Before organizing a business.
  • If you are arrested or charged with a crime.
  • When you are involved in an accident in which there is significant damage to persons or property.
  • When there are changes in your family status, such as marriage, adoption, or divorce.
  • When you have tax problems or questions.
  • When a lawsuit is brought against you, or you want to bring a lawsuit against someone.
Determination of Fees

Lawyers base their fees on different facts, including the difficulty of a particular legal task, the amount of time involved, the experience and skill of the lawyer in the particular area of law and the lawyer’s cost of doing business. The cost of doing business, referred to as overhead, usually includes rent, equipment, salaries and the cost of maintaining the lawyer’s level of professional skills and education. A lawyer’s overhead normally is 35 percent to 50 percent of the legal fees charged.

A lawyer’s services normally involve research, investigation and case preparation. Most of the work is done after the client leaves the lawyer’s office and can be very time-consuming. As a result, the client is often unaware of the amount of time a given legal matter will actually take.

A client should always discuss the prospective charges at the first meeting with the lawyer. At the initial meeting, the lawyer and the client should discuss the time anticipated to resolve the case, the difficulties likely to be encountered, and the complexity of the legal issues in the particular case. An early agreement concerning fees will prevent surprises and misunderstandings for both the client and the lawyer. You should be prepared to decide how much money you can afford to invest in the resolution of the problem. The lawyer/client relationship involves a mutual commitment. Both parties have a need from the outset to have a full and complete understanding of the commitment.

Who will work on my case?

At The Law Office Of Vanessa D Torres, your case will be handled by experienced legal professionals from our Law clerks, paralegals, legal case managers and our dedicated attorneys

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